Thursday, April 18, 2013

Colors and sounds at Lake Barkley SRP

Pink Dogwoods in bloom around Lake Barkley lodge
This week has been a great one to get out and enjoy the sights and sounds at Lake Barkley.  The weather has been warm and the colors vibrant.  Dogwoods (including the pink ones around the lodge), redbuds and an abundance of wildflowers are colorful now.  Wildflowers in bloom include Rue Anemone, Cut-leaf Toothwort, Blue Phlox, Pennywort, bluets, Prairie Trillium, and a variety of violet species.  The Mayapple leaves have also popped up on the forest floor creating a nice green covering.

The birds have been singing up a storm this week too.  I heard an Orchard Oriole singing just outside the front desk a few days ago, and Wood Thrushes can be heard in the campground and around the cottages.  Yellow-throated Warblers, Northern Parulas, Chipping Sparrows, vireos, and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers continue to be abundant around the park and can be heard near the lodge.  Prothonotary Warblers, Purple Martins, and Chimney Swifts have also returned to Lake Barkley.

If you would like to see and hear the warblers and returning migrants in western Kentucky, then join Lake Barkley and Land Between The Lakes NRA for Birding on Barkley on May 11th.  Experienced guides will take you to hot spots around Lake Barkley and Land Between The Lakes. More information can be found here